50 Looks Like This - Choices | SeeLaurieWrite.com

50 Looks Like This - Choices | SeeLaurieWrite.comToday I am headed into my second-half-century of living this amazing life of mine, and I have a few exciting plans on my ever-evolving list of Things I Want to Do. One of them involves creating a new blog series called 50 Looks Like This. There will be a hashtag, of course, and I will post here about things I am thinking about, experiencing, and realizing as I meander and stumble and jet through my fifty-first year.

Join me?

Today’s post on Instagram was a reminder to stop wasting time. The time to make better choices, or even just MAKE A CHOICE is always right in front of me, but it’s always up to me to make that choice, and I don’t always choose to choose. Does that make sense?? It’s time to start choosing.

This morning’s choice was to get my butt on my bike and ride instead of spending a half-hour on social media. I hadn’t ridden since the week before last, and I felt it. It’s amazing how just riding once a week makes that much difference. I have been riding with my daughter, but today I chose to ride even though she wasn’t able to join me. I hope to make that choice more often in coming weeks and months. It will make me healthier and also give me a reason to buy some cute winter riding leggings… (#silverlinings).

What choices did you make today?

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