We’re heading into week five of our social distancing directive here in Arkansas. Well, actually, I think the official directive started after we decided to do it ourselves… but whatever. I am counting from the week schools let out, and that was March 16.

This week’s image is one of a line of birds on a light pole. They are perched close to one another in a manner that my youngest daughter once referred to as looking like people in a church choir. Clearly, they are not under the same directive we humans are. I’ll try not to be jealous.

I’d love for you to write something based on the image. A poem, an essay, a short story, even just a little monologue or character sketch. Just something to get your creative juices running a little. Or, if you’re an artist, feel free to use it as a prompt for a sketch or a collage… it’s totally up to you!

All of the images I’m using for my prompts were taken by me, so you can use them without any worries about copyright. If you need the original file (for manipulation in a piece of artwork, for example) just let me know.

Finally, to follow along with the weekly prompts, you can find me on Instagram at @SeeLaurieWrite. Thanks for stopping by! Stay healthy!

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