For the last couple of years I have chosen a single word in January to help me be intentional as I made choices about my time and energy, and focused on priorities throughout the coming year. In 2013, my word was Listen. For 2014, I chose Create (but apparently never got around to CREATING a blog post about it). For 2015, I have chosen the word Focus.

Recently, I picked up a journal that had been purchased, barely used and buried in a pile of books and paper. It seems I was planning to use it to record my thoughts about my word in 2013. The first pages are covered with thoughts I had concerning the word Listen, and how I thought I could incorporate it. I was blown away by the way it documented, in pre-cognitive form, the direction my year took in 2013. After “listen to my family and their needs” and “listen to my heart”, #3 on my list was “listen to the universe: seize the moment – don’t wait – take the opportunities that come”.

In the spring of 2013 I lost a job I loved, and was feeling very torn between the need to find a new job and my desire to start writing and creating for a living. After several days of discussion, my husband suggested it might be time for me to do what I was wanting to do, and find out if I could make writing my career.

I listened to the universe and my family as I decided that was the right thing for me to do.

Last year, as I said, I did not record my word with a blog post, but I did write some introductory notes when I chose Create. I wanted to create space for myself to work, instead of using the kitchen table or a local coffee shop, and create relationships around me that were informational, supportive and inspiring.

When I look back at 2014, I am gratified to see what was Created:

Opportunities – I built up my writing portfolio and made connections through people and conferences I was able to attend.

Connection – I spent time with fellow writers (VERY important since I lost contact with all the people I saw daily for five years at my office job). I purposefully sought out friendships to help me feel less isolated, and have definitely found My People.

Space – I finally organized a home office in our guest room, and am working on cleaning out and organizing my creative space as well.

Memories – With my kids and grand-daughter. I still have a way to go with this, but I want to be sure that there are memories of mom for them to look back on that include cloud-watching and creek-walking and singing in the car… not just mom in front of a laptop.

One Word to Rule Them All |

Notes I wrote in that journal when I picked it up a few weeks ago tell me I was thinking about using Build at first, and it seems like a good followup for Create… building on what I created, etc… but Focus has been in my head over the last couple of weeks, and I literally forgot that I had chosen Build. (Maybe my word should be Ginko Biloba?)

In 2015 I will Focus on:

Building – the relationships and connections that were created in 2014, and the opportunities that have come from them.

Organizing – both my home and work habits. Better record-keeping, more efficient storage and tracking. Cleaning out closets and cabinets (this has already begun!) and being able to find what I need when I need it is vital to my sanity this year.

My Brand – as a writer and maker. Focusing on what I do want to do will help me say “no thanks” to the things that just don’t fit and distract me.

Efficiency – in the moment, as I am working, so that I am not wasting time doing things that are not increasing my expertise or building my business.

Relationships – with friends, family… loved-ones in general. Making sure that creating memories and being available for those who need me stays on my list of priorities, and that the people I love know how much they mean to me. Life is short. Focus.

Myself – This is probably one of the hardest things for women to choose to do on purpose, don’t you think? Taking time out of our day to make sure we are well-nourished, well-rested, attending to our health and well-being. I have felt my body starting to get cranky lately – joints being achey, flexibility is limited… and I think a regular yoga routine will help with that. Yoga classes are not cheap, y’all. I’m sure my grandmothers would laugh to hear me say I want to pay someone to lead me in a class of stretching, but I do. And I think I’m worth it. Eating right and sleeping more are also on the list.

So, there you have it. Do you choose a word each year? Let’s see it!

I’m sharing this post on the Choosing your Word 2015 Link-up with Arkansas Women Bloggers.







  1. Love how thought out and clearly stated your word for the year is. I’m currently writing the post about mine and am trying to be thorough, too. Happy Focusing, Laurie!

  2. Love this, Laurie. So clearly defined! Now if only we remember to not keep in buried in a notebook (guilty as well). I LOVED my year of focus – it literally changed my life – and I hope that it is as powerful for you!

    1. Thanks Jackie! At least the word for 2014 was on my MIND, if not in my daily meditation. Either way, I think the act of spending time working through the choosing kind of tattoos it on my brain/soul/heart. :)

  3. Lovely site! Great writing! Thanks sharing this!

  4. […] So my friend Laurie turned me on to One Word.  The idea is to choose one word – just one little word – to be your focus for the coming year.  (Read her post about the word she chose here.) […]

  5. oooh, focus is a good word! I could use some of that over here! Seeing what you’ve accomplished these last few years, this one word thing sounds pretty powerful. I’ve chosen a word for myself – build.

    1. I love “build” too, Anne! That one may be 2016’s word for me. :)

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