Wednesday Writing Prompt: Fall Leaves |

Wednesday Writing Prompt: Fall Leaves | SeeLaurieWrite.comBelieve it or not, I didn’t think of writing about fall leaves as I created a list of ideas for Writing Prompt Wednesday. It was a last-minute idea today as I sat down to create the graphic for this post. But surely all my bloggy friends out there have a post from the last couple of years about leaves, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

The way this works is simple… add your URL to the link below to share your blog post about fall leaves, and visit others who have linked up as well. If you don’t have one already written, now is the time to create it. The link will be open for TWO WEEKS (this is a change from weeks past), so write about your yard full of leaves, your leaf collection that you picked up on a recent walk, the loathing of leaf raking left over from your youth, photos of kids playing in the leaves, or even cookies shaped like leaves – any “leaf-themed” post is welcome.

Thanks for joining in – and feel free to share this post with your own bloggy friends!

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