Enjoy a Good Night Snack with Kelloggs | SeeLaurieWrite.com

I am a member of the Social Fabric influencer community of #CollectiveBias, Inc. and am being compensated for this post by them and their advertiser, Kellogg’s. That said – I only share my honest, unbiased opinions.

The weather last week in Northwest Arkansas was ideal for a visit to a drive-in movie – temperatures in the 70s!! – so when I had the opportunity to see a movie for FREE thanks to the Good Night Snack promotion created by Kellogg’s, I was all over it. Kellogg’s set up a huge inflatable movie screen in a local Walmart parking lot and invited the community to see a screening of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”.

Spider-Man and Tony the Tiger at Kellogg's Cereal Cinema

My husband and son came with me and our daughter and grand-daughter met us as well. We arrived around 6:30 to claim seats and get in on the cereal buffet, and were surprised to find that there was also a photo op set up with Tony the Tiger and Spider-Man! My son wasn’t having any part of it (he was focused on the cereal) but the Hubs and Grand-cuteness were willing subjects.

Enjoy a Good Night Snack with Kelloggs | SeeLaurieWrite.com

We also stood in line to get an autograph from Reilly Brown. He’s the illustrator who draws Spider-Man for Marvel Comics. We thought it was pretty cool that he traveled to Northwest Arkansas to sign some illustrations for us. He had a line for HOURS. He said he’s been with Marvel for nine years… how is this possible when he looks 20??? <——– I may have felt old as I typed that sentence…

Reilly Brown from Marvel Comics at Kellogg's Cereal Cinema
The Grand-Cuteness had to introduce her BFF, Toothless the dragon, to Reilly.

Once we picked our seats and met the celebs, we headed to the tents to grab our snacks. Kellogg’s provided a great selection of cereal, including some new(er) ones we hadn’t tried at home yet. Milk was available for anyone who wanted to eat with a spoon, but I like my movies with finger snacks. I also threw some blueberries in because everything is better with blueberries. They offered some other add-ins like candy sprinkles and chocolate chips, but I stuck with the fruit. I did catch the Grand-Cuteness loading scoopfuls of candy sprinkles into her little snack box… when I busted her she said “I am getting them for YOU, Nonnie!” She’s going to be trouble, that one is.

Enjoy a Good Night Snack with Kellogg's | SeeLaurieWrite.com

I always keep several kinds of Kellogg’s cereals in my pantry. My son is sensitive to wheat so we love that they offer a lot of options that are wheat/gluten-free. I hadn’t considered pulling out the cereal as a snack during movie nights instead popcorn and candy, but what a great idea! While popcorn is lower in calories when popped alone, we all know it tastes best with loads of butter and handfuls of M&Ms tossed in.

Cereal can provide a low-fat alternative to popcorn and has the sweetness of candy. Double-score!

Next time you’re planning a movie night at home, pull out the Kellogg’s cereal and offer a crunchy-sweet snack – with tons of variety – that will please the whole family. (BONUS: The kids won’t know they’re also loaded with vitamins and minerals!)

I tried several new varieties last week at the movie, and these two were my favorites: Have a Good Night Snack with Kelloggs | SeeLaurieWrite.com What’s your favorite movie night snack? Would you consider trying cereal as a popcorn and candy substitute? Let me know what you think!


  1. Oh man… Tony the Tiger and Spiderman together? That is just awesome! Wish I was there. #client

  2. Until cereal leaves me picking pieces of it out of my teeth for the next 4 days, I’ll stick to popcorn ;) I kid, I kid. Cereal is kind of the perfect snack. It’s a great idea for a movie and it’s easier to brush away after eating – no popcorn teeth picking for me! Also, what a fun community event. I love seeing these HUGE businesses taking things into their local communities. What a great way to give back.

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