I’ve been feeling extremely tangled up lately. That’s the best way I can describe it… just too many strings, all trying to go different directions, and getting all knotted up…kind of like my crosstitch thread that is wadded up in a bag in my craft room.

I have been writing for a freelance job that I have been barely getting done on time, and I’ve been neglecting my own blogs because of it. On top of the writing, I have a couple of craft shows coming up in December that I have been wanting to get busy making things for… but every weekend it seems that things I have no control over get in the way of me making the making happen. I have gotten more and more frustrated, and feel like I have been spinning my wheels for weeks.

Finally, today, I got up and managed my time and had nothing else to do except whatever I wanted to do. And I was actually determined enough to get stuff done! I got out of bed and found a corner to get some of my freelance writing done this morning, which will help me not be so frantic come Wednesday night when I’m trying to finish it up. I also made a dent in some of the prep work for making bags for the shows, and worked on a couple of vintage ironing boards I’m re-purposing into holiday decor.


After getting some making done, I went out to check on my chickens and ended up cleaning out their coop and putting a roost in. Then I picked up the legs of our pool that had been lying around in our yard for a few weeks and put them away. Then I put the new grill cover on our grill and cleaned up our patio…

So, a free Sunday is a good thing. I’m hoping to make this a routine, so that I can make some progress on the huge project list I have hanging over my head. Time for being creative and get stuff done makes me happy. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it?


1 comment

  1. I find that using time every Sunday to play catchup really helps me throughout the week too. And on a side note, easy to think snow right now it’s so dang cold here!

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