I suppose I need to address the new year…

“Hello, New Year.”

That sounded kind of Seinfeld-ey, didn’t it?? Kind of snide… a little dismissive. Not my intention, really. I’m feeling pretty good about 2012. Excited, even. I started to come out of a strange kind of fog last fall and and am pretty confident that the months ahead are going to be full of awesomesauce.

I’ll try again…

“Hello, New Year, you sexy beast!!!”

Well… :)

I have never been much of a goal-setter. Which would explain the astounding number of cool things I wanted to do when I was younger but never quite managed to accomplish. ;) But this year, this dreamer is going to become a PLANNER!! That’s right, people! I’ll be putting together some action-steps to make some of the things I want to do actually get done, and I’ll start my list right here.

  1. Get one home project done each month.
  2. Make a plan for Punkinhead that will improve inventory creation and sales.
  3. Hone Junque Rethunque’s brand and focus to build business opportunities.
  4. Create time to focus on writing portfolio.
  5. Spend more time communicating with the divine.

So those are the Big Ones. Those are the game changers that will make 2012 the Year of Change for me. But there are some smaller things, or at least some more daily-life kinds of things, that I’m also going to do to make some changes. Not for me, personally (because frankly, a couple of these will be pretty challenging) – but for my community, my planet, and my children.

  1. Carry reusable bags to the store every time.
  2. Use my composter.
  3. Sign up with a CSA.
  4. Buy second-hand.
  5. Plan meals and cook at home at least 4 times each week.

I’ve done a lot of numbers 1 and 4 in the past couple of years, but haven’t been as diligent as I plan to be this year. I’ve started out pretty well so far. I think the hardest will be the plan to buy everything I need or want second-hand. I shop at thrift stores often already, primarily looking for treasures for my vintage flea market booth and to use in my hobby business, but I haven’t made a real effort to purchase EVERYTHING I need throughout the year at thrift stores, online, or at yard sales.

Today I caved on the second-hand plan, going to Walmart to buy some Rubbermaid totes when I hit a couple of thrift stores and didn’t find any. I rationalize it because I have to get them filled with fabric to get my organization plan completed in my sewing room. In order to make number 2 happen, I had to go to Walmart. Not sure I can get by with that very often if I want to be successful. I think I’ll keep a list of purchases to compare what I pay second-hand against what I would pay new. At least, that’s a great idea… we’ll see if I can stick to it. :)

So, what are your plans for the new year?


  1. I plan to spend more time communicating with Divine.

    1. I know who Divine is. :) Tell him I said hello.

  2. Since last year I overcame inertia, this year I am going to run the Chicago marathon. And hope I don’t have to communicate with the Divine during or after.

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