The Oldest has been driving since January, and today she got her first speeding ticket.  She’s never been good at accepting blame for anything, so this was a VERY difficult situation for her to deal with.

First, the spedometer must have been wrong in her car.  Then, perhaps the officer clocked the guy in front of her because “He was going the same speed” that she was.  But in the end (after she found out we weren’t angry with her) she admitted that she might need to slow down a bit.

She said she cried when he gave it to her, and he assured her that lots of people get tickets.  I think she was mostly worried that we would be upset.  I said hey, you’re paying for it, so why should it bother me??  And I was a speed demon when I was younger so I can’t throw any stones anyway.

Life lessons do suck, don’t they?

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