Yeah, believe it or not I do have other things to think and write about… but first, I’ll just say that I am THRILLED to report that my mom is recovering very well. She is at home, with my youngest brother with her this month. She has gotten back on the radiation schedule this week, and has been taking chemo again since the week of Thanksgiving. Her physical therapist got her up on a walker, and she’s been getting herself up and around in the morning and ready for bed at night. This week the therapist led her around the house just using her arm as a guide, and says she’s probably ready for a cane. What a huge relief! I have believed that she would recover – but there were days and weeks there that I wondered if my 0ptimism was ill-placed. It was all I could do to look at her during one of her meltdowns and smile and tell her that she had to remain positive. I’m sure that if she had had the strength she would have punched me a few times.

But now, on to more mundane and boring daily-life stuff…

Little Boy
here we go
almost done
Big Boy

We gave the gorgeous boy a haircut recently. He has beautiful curly golden hair that gets a lot of attention when we are out in public. I’ve been cutting it myself and it had reached the point where it that fact was obvious by even the most casual observer. Since his daddy recently shaved his head in solidarity with my mom, we suggested to him that he could do the same, and to our surprise, he went for it.

He was a VERY patient boy, he just complained about the itchy hair on his neck. While I don’t have a problem with the cutting of the hair – it will grow back – I REALLY disliked watching my Little Boy disappear in front of me to be replaced by this kid who looks ten-years-old. It was horrible. *snif*

He has been very proud to show me whenever he discovers he can touch something now that he couldn’t in recent memory. Cabinet doors, mail boxes, shelves at the grocery store… “Look mommy! I can reach now! Because I’m BIGGER!”


  1. Yeaaaaaa! Wonderful news about Mom. What a lovely Christmas gift to see her doing so well.

    And your baby still looks like a baby to ME. :)

  2. So glad to hear your mom is doing well!!! And OMG those curls!! I agree with Denise, though – curls or no, he’s still your little babe.

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