Mom’s been living with us for a week, and I’m exhausted. I don’t mean to sound whiney, but I seriously feel like it’s been a month.  It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can mean to a person’s attitude; and how lousy mine is without one.

That said – my job has also been incredibly stressful this week, so the combination of mental exhaustion from work and physical exhaustion from home have taken a toll. Today I lost my patience with her as we were trying to get her in the van and since she was already frustrated at her lack of coordination, she cried. Yeah, I suck.

One of her co-workers brought some lasagna and Martha Harps rolls by this afternoon, so at least I didn’t have to cook. (thanks Melanie!!) Did I mention it’s also my birthday? I spent it being tired and frustrated. Not as much fun as spending it being pampered and inebriated… but equally sleep-inducing.

I did get a new blender and a little wedge thingie to put my laptop on in my lap, and some sweet cards from my fambly. Oh, and chocolates and cheesecake. So what the hell do I have to complain about??? I’m sure it will all be better in the morning.

Have I said I won’t complain any more?? Okay, this time I MEAN it!


  1. I called and wished you a happy bday!!! Also, you’ll get a special gifty tomorrow when I come over with a shower head for mom. Woo, exciting.

  2. New blender! Margaritas!

  3. Thanks for the gifty sis! And the blender will definitely be used… soon.

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