The docs told me yesterday that they would schedule a visit with an endocrinologist for Griffin after the news that he had elevated blood sugar.  Today his nurse called to say that when she checked here in NW Arkansas, none of the not many endocrinologists here work with children Griffin’s age. So, we were going to have to go to Little Rock to Children’s Hospital.

But that’s not all! We needed to go TODAY. More F words were uttered. Tears shed. Panic ensued.  Then we got another call saying that I needed to get Griffin to the doctor’s office here first, to get an updated set of results from a urine test and blood sugar test.

I’m too tired to explain the entire day. Just suffice to say that we went in, got normal results, rejoiced with relief, then were told the hospital still wanted us to come down, cried some more, went to be with mom during her first visit to the radiation oncologist, got a call from the hospital saying we DO NOT need to bring Griffin down, rejoiced again, and went out to eat at Outback.

I’m pretty much just exhausted now. But my boy is healthy, and we bought him two goldfish to celebrate. Hopefully the fish (John and Bwohn) will survive the night…


  1. Hugs for you and your family!

  2. WTF? I cannot believe the dr. didn’t realize that pediatric readings are totally different from adult readings. Good grief! I’m so relieved, though, to hear that at least the news is good. Give that boy a gummy bear!

  3. Well thank $%&%^%*& God! In fact, I’ll have a gummy bear (chocolate covered) in celebration!

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