In my job I make a lot of phone calls.  Lots, and lots, and lots of phone calls.  Yesterday the mind-numbing monotony was broken by a fabulous recorded message on the phone system for a local insurance agency. The manly voice had this brialliant suggestion to make:

“We all know that choosing a gift for children can be difficult.  Toys easily break, money seems too impersonal, and clothes are quickly outgrown.  But have you considered the valuable gift of permanent life insurance?”

Now, it’s been a while since I was a kid, but I’m fairly sure that I would have refused to send a thank you card to anyone who gave me life insurance when I was anything younger than … oh I don’t know… 30!

Oh the humor of daily life.


  1. Really? I think those were my daughter’s first words: “Mommy, buy me some life insurance.”

  2. You have a job as a telemarketer?

  3. Valentine’s Day is solved!

  4. Man – an insurance company after my 20 years ago heart.

  5. But it’s the gift that keeps on giving… sort of.

  6. Hey! You got an “award” over on my blog! Go see!

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