I have pretty eclectic taste in music, and there’s not a lot that I just can’t stand to listen to. But when it comes to what I reach for on a regular basis, one of my favorites has long been the Indigo Girls.

Amy and Emily are gentle souls who lace their words with fire when the situation warrants it. Many of their songs are sweet love songs, and others are calls to action for a society that has become complacent and inert when they should be standing up and screaming “what the hell is going on here!?” I admit, I am as guilty of this as anyone, and listening to IG reminds me there is more to be done, and much I can do even though I’m only one person.

Last night I had the pleasure of sitting five rows from the stage at an IG concert, and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. I love their harmony, and have always enjoyed the rhythm and melodies they produce on their guitars and mandolins and banjos, but seeing them sing and play up close and personal made the music that much more special.

After every song, each of them made sure to say “thank you” for the applause they received. They laughed and blushed when words were flubbed. They were gracious and appreciative of our community and the welcome they had received. I was already a fan, but now I’m a groupie. I can’t wait to get their new cd!

The opening act was another amazing singer/songwriter named Brandi Carlile. She is from Seattle, and is obviously the up-and-coming diva on the indie chick rock scene. Her voice was a powerhouse, and her lyrics were just heart-wrenching. She performed a cover of Folsom Prison Blues that was out of this world. No, really. Many of the audience members were familiar with her, but I’d never heard of her before. If you haven’t yet, you will.

My favorite part of the evening was when Brandi said “I’ve toured with Amy and Emily before, so I know a couple of things about you people.” The crowd hooted and hollered and cat-called… then she said “You like to sing along.” It was hysterical. Of course everyone thought they knew what she was thinking…

I promptly came home and signed up to get email updates from the Girls and Brandi – I definitely want to see them again.


  1. Are you dating women again?

  2. Again???

    Amy, Emily and Brandi are HUGE in Tucson. They regularly visit our local indie station’s studio C where they play a few songs and answer questions. It’s a small, intimate setting that I haven’t been privileged to visit yet but all of these ladies have impressed us all during the Friday replays. They certainly don’t seem to have been damaged by their success. Lovely people!

  3. what??? How’d you hear about that, Brian?? ;) Besides, I’m married, not dead!

  4. That was the best concert ever!!

  5. Wow – how did you get seats 5 rows back? You must know someone fabulous!

  6. I do! She sells more than me on Etsy.com too.

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