I was noshing on my yummy little Quaker Breakfast Cookie the other morning (which drives my hubby who works at Kellogg’s crazy) and I thought to myself, why don’t I make these myself instead of paying for the pilgrim guy to make them for me?  I know this isn’t a new idea.  I also know my generation is one of the first who have had “convenience” foods like breakfast bars and bottled coffee available and we’re getting fat and lazy.  It seems like a no brainer. 

The new year has come and gone and I haven’t really made a commitment to any kind of renewal in my life.  I have already committed myself to being an artist and writer, and I do need to be better about daily work along those lines.  I have taken a challenge to blog every day in the effort to keep my writing juices flowing.  I need to challenge myself in my craft room along those lines as well.  But my new years resolution is going to be to make more homemade foods for my family and quit buying as much of those pre-packaged and made with who-knows-what things that I have been relying on too much lately. 

It’s not like we have a lot of crap in the cupboards, really.  I don’t buy ice cream but once a month or less.  I never buy cookies.  We do have things the hubby brings from work, and I have asked him to ease up on that a bit.  But I really do buy more fruit than sweets.  I want to start experimenting with oatmeal bar recipes and things like that to carry with me in place of the bars I’ve been buying to keep in the car.  They are easy for me to eat on the way to work, and to give Griffin when he and I are running around.  They keep me away from the fast food, so they’re good, right?  It’s just that they’d be so much more cost efficient and healthy if I made them myself.

So, that’s my plan.  To make more things on the weekends that I can eat for lunch during the week and take with me for breakfast.  What kinds of changes are you making in YOUR life this year? 


  1. My change? Hopefully it’s getting this new job, making more money, and oh yeah, eating better :)

    I suppose the Chinese buffet I had tonight wasn’t on that path BUT I did eat mostly crab legs… that’s not too bad.

  2. I New_Years_Resolutioned to start getting more sleep, as in to bed before 1am. I also plan/hope/conspire to do more real cooking as well. I have all these awesome cookbooks that I can often hear laughing at me from the cupboard while I microwave my bowl of chinese noodles…

  3. To CONQUER THE WORLD…!!!!BWAAAAHAAHAAAHAAA. Oh, yeah, I’ve already done that.

    Well, then, I just want to enter the month of December calmly, and prepare to enjoy the wonderful holiday season quietly, thoroughly, and peacefully….and NOT be trying to finish a home improvement project 4 days before Christmas! Oh, yes, and to be able to see the walls of my home without the piles of books, boxes, clutter and junk being in the way. Delete, simplify, reduce, dispose, donate, toss, and move it to the shop!!!!!! There, see, not much, really.

  4. I think conquering the world might be easier…

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