on Blogspot!  I love my wordpress blog, but I can’t add photos like I want to and link to my Etsy shop, so I’ve created another blog that will allow me to focus on my crafting exploits and curbside trash heisting adventures.  You can take a look if you like: www.junquerethunque.blogspot.com

The name is the same as the business my mom and I are forming together.  We both have an addiction to picking odd bits of furniture and cast-offs we find here and there and thinking “hmmm… what could I do with this??”  The addiction has caused her to spend a few thousand dollars fixing up my grandpa’s workshop, so I guess we’d better get busy and make it pay!  When the shop is up and running I thought we could use the blog to promote ourselves.

Of course, all the up-t0-date info on me and my family and my writing will be here… so there’s plenty of blogging goodness to go around!

UPDATE:  I remembered I already set up a blogspot blog under the name punkinheaddesigns, but I’ve tried all day to get into it and can’t. I finally figured out how to send an email to the powers that be at blogger to ask the questions I need answers to, so hopefully that will be up and running soon too.  I think I’ll try to focus on the stuff I do personally (at my house) on punkinheaddesigns, and the stuff that mom and I are doing in our business at junquerethunque… but we’ll see how it plays out.

1 comment

  1. Cool! Can’t wait to see what you’re up to. :)

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