…I deserve to travel, we ALL deserve to travel. I say “deserve” because it truly is a gift to be appreciated and savored – the ability to leave “here” behind for a time to go “there”. My friend Dayan and I were at the park with our preschoolers today braving the cold breeze and the wet ground because we HAD to get out of the house for a while. As we talked about marriage, kids, to work or not to work, we meandered around to the topic of places we’ve been to or want to go to. It turns out D and I share a love for new places.

The thrill of arriving fresh at a new place is nothing you can replicate with other hobbies. I enjoy the look of new streets, the sound of the traffic, the smells in the air. I regret not having traveled when I was younger and single. (I also regret not staying single longer sometimes, but that’s another post.)

Hubby and I have been to Nova Scotia and Orcas Island, WA. My girls and I used to camp every summer. They are great travelers. When they were younger we spent a week with my brother in Philly. Every day we were going somewhere different, including a day trip to NYC. They hoofed it up Broadway, through Central Park and back down 5th Avenue with barely a peep of complaint. I was proud. I want to take them to Europe soon. Although, I went for a month when I was 18 and wish now I’d been older… I guess I’ll just introduce them and let them go back later to actually begin a relationship with the Continental life.

It’s trite, but travel does make me appreciate home more. Or maybe “appreciate” isn’t the correct word… it’s more like I can enjoy home as another great place to visit – only I stay there longer.

1 comment

  1. It’s not trite. It’s important. One can’t get to know oneself without understanding your place in the world and from where you came. Everything is relative. If blue was the only color you had ever known, eventually it becomes grey. It’s only blue when you can put it next to red or yellow and appreciate the difference.
    Wilson told me last night that he will take his kids on a car-trip every summer. He asked if we can do that. I don’t know if we can, but we’ll certainly try.

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